Język Angielski gr V styczeń

Język Angielski gr V  styczeń



Cat – kot
Cow – krowa
Dog – pies
Dachshund – jamnik
Drake – kaczor
Duck – kaczka
Fish – ryba
Goat – koza
Goldfish – złota rybka

Guinea pig – świnka morska
Hamster – chomik
Hen – kura
Horse – koń
Lamb – jagnię
Mouse – mysz
Parrot – papuga
Pig – świnia
Pony – kucyk
Puppy – szczeniak
Rabbit – królik
Sheep – owca
Snake – wąż
Spider – pająk
Tropical fish – ryba tropikalna
Turtle – żółw

Zwroty i wyrażenia:

To keep a pet – mieć zwierzątko

To ride a horse – jeździć na koniu

To ride a pony – jeździć na kucyku

To train – trenować, szkolić

To walk the dog or to take the dog a walk – wziąć psa na spacer
Do you have a pet? – czy masz zwierzątko



„Yes, I can”
Little bird, little bird, can you clap?

No, I can’t. No, I can’t. I can’t clap.

Little bird, little bird, can you fly?

Yes, I can. Yes, I can. I can fly.


Elephant, elephant, can you fly?

No, I can’t. No, I can’t. I can’t fly.

Elephant, elephant, can you stomp?

Yes, I can. Yes, I can. I can stomp.


Little fish, little fish, can you stomp?

No, I can’t. No, I can’t. I can’t stomp.

Little fish, little fish, can you swim?

Yes, I can. Yes, I can. I can swim.


Gorilla, gorilla, can you swim?

No, I can’t. No, I can’t. I can’t swim.

Gorilla, gorilla, can you climb?

Yes, I can. Yes, I can. I can climb.


Buffalo, buffalo, can you climb?

No, I can’t. No, I can’t. I can’t climb.

Buffalo, buffalo, can you run?

Yes, I can. Yes, I can. I can run.


Boy and girls, boys and girls, can you sing?

Yes, we can. Yes, we can. We can sing.

Boys and girls, boys and girls, can you dance?

Yes, we can. Yes, we can. We can dance.

We can sing. We can dance. Yes, we can.

We can sing. We can dance. Yes, we can.

Yes, we can. Yes, we can. Yes, we can.

Yes, we can. Yes, we can. Yes, we can.

Yes, we can. Yes, we can. Yes, we can.

„I have a pet”
Do you have a pet?

Yes, I have a dog.


I have a pet.

He is a dog.

And he says, „Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof. Woof woof.”


I have a cat.


I have a pet.

She is a cat.

And she says, „Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow. Meow meow.”


I have a mouse.


I have a pet.

He is a mouse.

And he says, „Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak. Squeak squeak.”


Woof woof.

Meow meow.

Squeak squeak.


I have a bird.


I have a pet.

He is a bird.

And he says, „Tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet. Tweet tweet.”


I have a fish.


I have a pet.

She is a fish.

And she says, „Glub, glub, glub, glub, glub. Glub glub.”


I have a lion.

A lion?!


I have a pet.

He is a lion.

And he says, „Roar, roar, roar, roar, roar. Roar roar.”


Tweet tweet.

Glub glub.


„Let’s go to the ZOO”
Stomp like elephants!

Let’s go to the zoo.

And stomp like the elephants do.

Let’s go to the zoo.

And stomp like the elephants do.


Jump like kangaroos.

Let’s go to the zoo.

And jump like the kangaroos do.

Let’s go to the zoo.

And jump like the kangaroos do.


Swing like monkeys.

Let’s go to the zoo.

And swing like the monkeys do.

Let’s go to the zoo.

And swing like the monkeys do.


Waddle like penguins.

Let’s go to the zoo.

And waddle like the penguins do.

Let’s go to the zoo.

And waddle like the penguins do.


Slither like snakes.

Let’s go to the zoo.

And slither like the snakes do.

Let’s go to the zoo.

And slither like the snakes do.


Swim like polar bears.

Let’s go to the zoo.

And swim like the polar bears do.

Let’s go to the zoo.

And swim like the polar bears do.


Let’s go to the zoo.

And dance like the animals do.

Let’s go to the zoo.

And dance like the animals do.

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