Język angielski grupa VI – luty


ciastko – cookie
słoik – jar

styczeń – january
luty – february
marzec – march
kwiecień – april
maj – may
czerwiec – june
lipiec – july
sierpień – august
wrzesień – september
październik – october
listopad – november
grudzień – December

pszczoła – bee
ptak – bird
motyl – butterfly

wielkanoc – easter
kwiaty – flowers
ogród – garden

latawiec – kite
topienie – melting
kałuża – puddle
deszcz – rain
tęcza – rainbow
tulipan – tulip
parasolka – umbrella


Who took the… – kto wziął…
I took the… – ja wzięłam/wziąłem
Today is… friday – dzisiaj jest… piątek
What’s the season now? – jaka jest obecnie pora roku?
Spring comes after… winter – wiosna przychodzi po… zimie
Put the seed in the ground – umieść ziarno w ziemi

Water the plant – podlej roślinę

Put the plant in the sunny spot – umieść roślinę w słonecznym miejscu
Wait some time – zaczekaj trochę czasu
See a bud – zobacz pączek
See a flower – zobacz kwiat


„Cookie Jar”

Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?

Panda took the cookie from the cookie jar.

Who me?

Yes, you!

Not me!

Then who?


Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?

Rabbit took the cookie from the cookie jar.

Who me?

Yes, you!

Not me!

Then who?


Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?

Bear took the cookie from the cookie jar.

Who me?

Yes, you!

Not me!

Then who?


Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?

Penguin took the cookie from the cookie jar.

Who me?

Yes, you!

Not me!

Then who?


Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?

Kangaroo took the cookie from the cookie jar.

Who me?

Yes, you!

I took the cookie from the cookie jar.

The yummy, yummy cookie from the cookie jar.

Are you hungry?

Let’s share!

A Little Seed” – zabawa paluszkowa

A little seed in the ground,
A little rain to water the plant,
A little sun to let it grow,
A little time that must ow.
And that is the power to see a bud, then a flower

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